Your gift to Covenant Presbyterian Church supports our ministries, media, and all the content we create to spread God's message. The Lord is doing amazing things with our church and we’re grateful you want to get involved. Covenant Presbyterian Church is a 501(c)3 status nonprofit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service. Our federal ID# is 91-0673575.
Whether you’d like to give a single gift or schedule recurring donations, it can all be done using our quick and secure service online.

We are bursting at the seams that our building renovation loan is officially paid off thanks to your dedication and sacrificial giving! Thank you! God is faithful! If you would like to continue giving to the capital campaign these funds will be seed money for our next renovate project. You may write Renovate in the memo line of your check. Thank you!

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7