It has been a long time….we are excited to open our “doors" for face-to-face church services! We can't wait to see you again in person, as we take another step in returning to normalcy. For those that are not ready to come back, we will live stream the worship service via Facebook every Sunday at 10:00 AM. Additionally, the sermon will be available on our website Sunday afternoon.
We invite you to worship with us this weekend, but before we can do that, please read the information below.
We are committed to providing a safe, “touchless” experience for people coming back to church. While it may feel weird or uncomfortable, and is less than ideal, we ask everyone to abide by our safety requirements as a demonstration of loving, caring for, and protecting their neighbor. Here is what you need to know about attending an in-person gathering at Covenant Presbyterian Church during this phase.
Below is information about the service and a list of requirements that must be met for us to meet in person. We will keep these requirements up-to-date if/when they change.
1. Worship will take place each Sunday at 10:00 AM in the church sanctuary and will be limited to 50 people.
2. We ask you to RSVP every week for worship. This information will help us plan accordingly and keep our number limited to 50 per gathering. This information will be used to alert others in the gathering if there is a COVID case. This information will not be shared with any outside party. Priority is given on a first-come-first-serve basis.
3. If you would like to reference the Going Deeper Study Guide before, during, or after worship it will be available on our website.
4. We will have ushers and greeters at each service, and you will be guided to a place to sit in a way that allows for social distancing of 6ft between households.
5. We will not be offering nursery care or children’s ministry for the time being.
1. Self-screen for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before arriving at the church – temperature must be under 100.4°. Please stay home if you are not feeling well or may have been exposed to COVID in the past 2 weeks.
2. Please wear a face mask at all times while on the church property, from the time of arrival to the time of departure with the following exceptions: Children age 1 and younger (parents should work with children ages 2, 3, and 4 to wear a face-covering if possible, but it is not required); people who have disabilities that prevent them from comfortably wearing or taking off face coverings OR disabilities that prevent them from communicating while wearing face coverings; people who have respiratory conditions or breathing trouble; people who have been told by a medical, legal, or behavioral health professional not to wear face coverings; people who are communicating with others who are deaf or hard of hearing; those who are hosting, speaking, or leading worship in front of an audience may remove their mask for the time they are speaking as long as they are socially distanced from the crowd.
3. Wash/sanitize your hands regularly. Hand sanitizer will be provided.
4. Maintain social distancing of 6 ft between families/households and no direct physical contact. We will have ushers and greeters at each service, and you will be guided to a place to sit that works for you. Please keep your children with you at all times.
NOTE: We have created a “COVID-19 Exposure Control, Mitigation and Recovery Plan”. You are not asked to read this plan, but it is available HERE.